Monday, June 15, 2009

Spider Monkey

Addison and I had a delightful morning at our breakfast potluck for one of our playgroup events!! Addison was one of 7 girls which is really rare, usually it is all boys! She just had a blast as most of the babies were around her age and physical skill level. She spent the time rolling around, stealing other kids bottles, eating napkins, pulling hair and making kids cry...thats my girl!
What I didn't expect was what happened as I had just gotten a big ol plate of food and set it next to me. So I'm chatting with my mommy friend semi conscious of my plate of goodies next to me but none of the kids are big crawlers yet so I wasn't worried, then who do I see out of the corner of my eye crawling over to steal my food...ADDISON!!! She was CRAWLING, determined to get the good stuff! After that she kept doing it, going after everything she wanted! I was in shock! All the other moms were too, asking when she learned to crawl...ummm right now! It was amazing to see her little wobbly self manuevring towards me. She has still got to polish her skills but there is no doubt about it, she is mobile!
Of course we speed home to tell Alex and I'm trying everything to get her to crawl and she just looks at me like I'm crazy. She finally crawled to get her favorite shoe, what a weird girl! He was so so so proud of her. Each new day with Addison is so amazing and I thank my lucky stars everyday that she is my daughter <3

Playgroup, we are missing a few babies but it's a cute little group none the less!

Tired girl after learning to crawl! Something she never does...stay asleep after we pull into our driveway, somehow she always knows the second we hit that curb!

Glazed eyes, she had just woken up

Tonight chillin in her crib with her favorite lovie and her glowworm!


  1. She goes after food and shoes - girl after my own heart!

  2. Looks like you all had a great time, sorry I missed it. Addison is looking so much older lately. Still a baby but changing everyday.

  3. What a fun way to catch her for the first time!!!

  4. How fun!! Yeah, Katrina doesn't crawl on commnd either!!

  5. that's so exciting!!! yay, Addison!

  6. Yay!Now Noah has a partner in crime:) Go Addison!!
