Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Patriotic Babies

So yes I already posted today but I have to do another tonight because Addison and I had such a super fun day! One of our playgroups did a 4th of July celebration and all of the babies dressed up in the patriotic gear. It was absolutely adorable!!! Addison looked like a total boy in her outfit but it's all I could find at the last minute! She has her Obama shirt on underneath but we found the cute "Born in the U.S.A." shirt at Target for $1 so we couldn't pass it up!

I cannot get over how happy she is in this picture! Who knows what she was looking at!

Addison and her girlfriend Payton...can't tell if Payton is crying or laughing, probably crying because Addison was a big bully!

She looks so silly :D

She left the hat on for awhile!

Trying to steal Dane's Uncle Sam hat!

My baby is 9 months old!

It has been 9 months since I gave birth to Addison and my how things have changed. I can't even put into words what a crazy feeling it is to watch the child you gave birth to grow and learn and become her own person. Alex and I were talking over a late night dinner of Taco Bell last night and neither of us could put into words the pride and love we have for Addison.
She was at the sitters house until 5 yesterday and when we picked her up all I wanted to do was squeeze her and kiss her...she was all like "MOM! You are so embarrassing, not in front of my friends!!!" Oh how I adore her and always will...

In the hospital cafeteria the morning of the day she was born

Seconds after she was born

My baby girl 9/30/08

Monday, June 29, 2009

Little Miss Overachiever

Missy Moo pulled herself up to a standing position today! I was picking out her outfit for the day and what do I see when I turn around but her standing up at her music center groovin to the beat. She may have just used her Harry Potter magical skills but I think she may have done it all by herself :D What a funny kid, she goes from one big accomplishment to the next within days of each other, I'm scared what I will find her doing each morning when she wakes up, tomorrow morning she probably will have crawled out of her crib and be in the kitchen making herself a bottle!
Addison is at the sitters house today while I work on homework and Alex is at work. He will be home around 2:30 and then we are going to go on a movie date to see "The Hangover." It is good to get out every once and awhile :)
Here are some recent pictures and video...

Alex and Addison on Fathers Day morning <3

So much for easy bathtimes...she squirms all over, tries to pull herself up on the side of the tub and her favorite as seen above is lounging with her duckies.

Addison and I visiting the twins I used to take care of and their mom :) They thought she was pretty cool!

Addison crawling around like a goof with the twins baby pacifier in her mouth

Addison using her friend Trey as leverage to help her stand up...he doesn't look too pleased haha

Happy girl playing her music

Cute video of her playing with herself in the mirror...the end is horrible, ignore the obvious accident that could have been prevented and my audible gasp. She fake cried for about a second and then was back crawling around, what a goof!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

And my newest trick is...

Ok, Addison can stop growing up now! In the past week and a half she has learned to crawl, sit up from a lying down position, "stand" on her knees and her newest trick is working on her pushups...

It is so funny and amazing to watch her learn all these new skills and watching how proud she is of herself just makes me melt :) I also realized when I picked out her outfit this morning that she had the same green onesie on (in a smaller size of course) the day after she was born! What a difference almost 9 months makes...WOW.

October 1, 2008

June 25, 2009

In other news, we have had a very eventful week with playdates and lunch dates with friends, I can't believe it is already Thursday today! We don't have much planned over these next few weeks but are hoping to make a Minnesota trip towards the end of July. I don't know how I feel about taking my little monkey on a plane now that she is so mobile though :-/ I love Minnesota summers though so it is a small price to pay! We love you all so much and thank you for all of the daily support and love you give us, it is truly appreciated!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Fathers day breakfast at sweet tomatoes!!! Addison has been eating muffin, hashbrowns, banana and cous cous! She loves it all! Happy fathers day alex :)

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Friday, June 19, 2009


My super happy baby girl complete with her 8th official tooth!!! She's ready for veggie burgers!

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bronzed Goddess

Addison and I had a pool party today with our mommy and baby friends and we had a BLAST! I think Addison stayed in the pool the longest of anyone, she just couldn't get enough splashing! The pool had a shallow beach type entrance so we just sat there and she got to splash and laugh. She did attempt to start crawling whilst sitting there though and then swallowed a bunch of water but she was just belly laughing she thought it was great! I so enjoy these days with her and hope that when she is older we look back on the pictures and she sees what a good time we had when she was a baby :)

All ready to hit the pool scene

Waiting while mommy gets ready...notice the sweet potato face, I figured the pool water would wash it off anyways :)

After getting out, my little wrinkly raisin

With one of her bestest friends Miss Emma

Oh hey ma, can I have your diet coke??

Showing her friend Noah her new moves!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Crawling take 2

Just caught her crawling the width of the office! So funny how she sort of jumps and crawls all at the same time!

She's got the moves

I finally caught her crawling on tape...I guess all we needed was for me to put my eyelash curler and makeup compact on the floor!! As I write this she is crawling all over the office floor getting into everything!!! Its awesome!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Spider Monkey

Addison and I had a delightful morning at our breakfast potluck for one of our playgroup events!! Addison was one of 7 girls which is really rare, usually it is all boys! She just had a blast as most of the babies were around her age and physical skill level. She spent the time rolling around, stealing other kids bottles, eating napkins, pulling hair and making kids cry...thats my girl!
What I didn't expect was what happened as I had just gotten a big ol plate of food and set it next to me. So I'm chatting with my mommy friend semi conscious of my plate of goodies next to me but none of the kids are big crawlers yet so I wasn't worried, then who do I see out of the corner of my eye crawling over to steal my food...ADDISON!!! She was CRAWLING, determined to get the good stuff! After that she kept doing it, going after everything she wanted! I was in shock! All the other moms were too, asking when she learned to crawl...ummm right now! It was amazing to see her little wobbly self manuevring towards me. She has still got to polish her skills but there is no doubt about it, she is mobile!
Of course we speed home to tell Alex and I'm trying everything to get her to crawl and she just looks at me like I'm crazy. She finally crawled to get her favorite shoe, what a weird girl! He was so so so proud of her. Each new day with Addison is so amazing and I thank my lucky stars everyday that she is my daughter <3

Playgroup, we are missing a few babies but it's a cute little group none the less!

Tired girl after learning to crawl! Something she never does...stay asleep after we pull into our driveway, somehow she always knows the second we hit that curb!

Glazed eyes, she had just woken up

Tonight chillin in her crib with her favorite lovie and her glowworm!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tiny Dancer

Yesterday we had lunch with my wonderful friend Jessica at our favorite restaurant of all time: Pita Jungle!!! This place is like something I would have dreamed up in my sleep, most everything is vegetarian, organic and DELICIOUS! Jessica and I always order the same thing, large plate of hummus with 2 pitas...each :) And we eat the whole darn thing! Jessica hadn't seen Addison for a few months so she was shocked at what a little person she has become. Talking, dancing and eating off mommy's plate (that girl loves her some hummus too!) Addison did this hilarious dance in the high chair I had her in, which was totally dangerous by the way, restaurants should really invest in safer child seats. But anyways, I had to tape it because it is what she has been doing nonstop everywhere we go for the last week!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Perfect timing

Alex gets home from work at about 6:30 every morning, he stays up and waits for Addison to wake up then brings her into our room and we all laugh and play on the bed til Miss A gets crabby and hungry. This morning we were feeding her breakfast and she FINALLY figured out how to chew! I used to put puffs in her mouth and she would let them sit on her tongue and gag but now she actually mashes them with her toothers and gums! It seems like it happened overnight but maybe she's been practicing in her crib :) So of course I run to the store and start buying cheese, chunkier apple sauce, beans etc and when I try to give them to her she gives me a face like "what on earth are you trying to feed me mother!?!" It's so funny and cute...until she spits it all back out at me.

After breakfast I went and got a few bags of toys and clothes from my car that our triplet friends were SO nice as to share with us and somehow we got started organizing her room, labeling bins of clothes so they are more easily accessible in the future, cleaning out clothes and toys that she has outgrown and disinfecting the room. 2 hours later we had a semi organized bedroom and a lot more space! Addison was most excited with her copious amount of toys..thank you Pelozas!!!!!

Daddy is so happy we are finally organizing my room!
Little Miss with all of her new toys!

Last but not least (we sure did have a busy day) I am happy to report that Little Miss has tooth number
7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I noticed it this morning just barely poking through but it's there and in full force! In the bag of clothes we got there was the perfect shirt for today: "Don't mess with me, I'm teething!" Great timing!

Friday, June 5, 2009

My little vegetarian

Yesterday we had a wonderful playdate themed "Taco Fiesta." Addison was in a great mood, the food was awesome and the company even better! I tried to get in a quick bite to eat while Addison was occupied with other kids but as soon as she saw me with a plate of food she was all over it. I gave her a taste of refried beans and she loved them. Then we tried some shredded cheese, loved that too! Then I let her gnaw on a juicy peach slice I was eating and after the initial shock she wanted more more more! I was scared of giving her too many beans and paying for it later so we broke out a jar of baby food and she spit it at me. Awesome. Apparently she does NOT want to be a baby anymore! Too funny! She loves munching on her bitter biscuit cookies and puffs now and has started drinking "juice" (mostly water with a bit of juice) from a big girl sippy cup! Time does fly but she is so much fun to play with now!

Happy girl at the Taco Fiesta!

Up to something

I know trouble is in the making when I text Alex asking what he is doing and he responds with "setting up a surprise for Addison." I love Alex dearly but he has a tendency to get these ideas in his head for projects that A. either take him forever to finish or B. Come out nothing like what he had pictured. Addison and I pull up to the house, nothing suspicious yet. We walk inside, nothing there either. I look outside and OH NO. I see that Alex has erected a HUGE canopy in the backyard over our patio. We get a little closer and there's Alex sitting in a Addison sized play pool. It was pretty much the cutest thing ever. He was so excited to show it off to her that we just stripped her down right there and they played and played and played. Now I wont be so nervous when he says he has a "surprise" for us because this one was actually really thoughtful and turned out great :)

We come home to this lovely picture and then minutes later...

Monday, June 1, 2009


Baby girl at the grocery store! So happy to be a big girl in the cart!

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