Monday, August 17, 2009

Just another weekend with my homies

I worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday this past weekend, Addison was with me all 3 days and was a champ! She has decided that her triplet friends are way too much fun and she doesn't want to miss a second with them so she doesn't nap while we are there, which is kiiiiiiiind of a bummer but as long as she isn't crabby I can't complain. Feeding time is quite comical as we have 4 highchairs and 4 babies all demanding to be fed NOW. I took a picture of the 4 ring circus and I laugh every time I look at it!

And we usually watch 1 Elmo video a day and Garrett and Addison always have front row seats for viewing, this video is too cute!

This morning Addison was getting cranky but it wasn't time for her to go down yet so I wanted to take her our back and let her crawl around. I always feel bad though because her knees get all red and scraped up when she crawls on hard surfaces and then I remembered that long ago I had bought "baby legs." I would put them on her because I thought they were cute but they actually have a purpose now!

We must look like such hillbillies!


  1. The baby legs are awesome! I love that she just has those on and no clothes. Must be AZ style. The Elmo thing is funny too. I can't get Jack to sit and watch TV for more than 2 min. Enjoy the small break, lol.

  2. What a good idea with the baby legs! We have a pair of them too. That picture of the highchairs is funny and stressful all at the same time. I don't know how they do it!
