Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Busy Bee

Today was busy and there was no nap or hope of one. We spent the morning babysitting Addison's friend Miss Brooklyn then when her daddy came to pick her up we headed to indoor playtime at the Tumbleweed Rec Center with our playgroup and then off to lunch with my dear friend Ashley and her sons Kaelam and Tyner. I thought Addison would conk out immediately when we got home but no she just played in her crib, singing to herself and kicking the wall. I was waiting waiting waiting hoping she would fall asleep because I was exhausted but then I heard a big BOOM, rushed in there and she had reached out of her crib and knocked over her floor lamp...nap time was over after that haha. I got her up and we cleaned the house top to bottom in preperation for our playgroup to come over for breakfast tomorrow...Addison was a great helper, she helped push the vaccum and dusted the floor with a sock. Funny girl :)

Finally has interest in her steering wheel on her stroller, she was honking at everyone on the way out of our playdate :)


Stealing her friends toys


Happy girl!

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