Addison is in bed, has been since 5:40pm and that is WITH a 4 hour nap she took today from 9:45-1:45. She must be growing again because she has been eating me out of house and home and sleeping a ton. Her newest favorite food is Kraft American Singles...BARF, I must have eaten too many of them as a kid or something because I can barely stand the sight of them not to mention the smell. She can also wolf down a pint of blueberries in a matter of a couple days. It has led to some very blue poop but I'm not one to stand between her and food!
Just Addison and I at home tonight, Alex is at work but we got some WONDERFUL news...Alex was officially offered the supervisor position at PCSO and will be promoted in September! I am so proud of him and we plan to celebrate with something special on his days off this week :) Things are busy but good, we cannot complain!
I will leave you with some more pictures from Addison and my trip to Minnesota...
Walking with Papi
LOVE it!
Playing on the back porch
Lunch with Great-Grandma J...granted she isn't looking but the picture is cute otherwise!
Talking on her McDonalds walkie-talkie "Hi! Hi! Hi!"
Backyard at Papi's farm
Her new ride...PLEEEEEASE Daddy
With a 2 week old calf at the Washington County Fair...SO cute!
Boat ride with Mimi..LOVED it!
The closest I hope Addison will ever come to a hot dog, plastic...
Silly tounge tricks
Burger King Crown
First taste of pickle!!!