Sunday, August 30, 2009


My big 11 month old eating her breakfast...french toast and grapes, YUMMY!

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Much too hot!

Today was day 2 of our garage sale and by 9am we were all tired, crabby and hot so we shut down the operation early. We sold quite a bit of stuff over the 2 days and the rest is going up on craigslist and ebay and being donated. Our house looks quite sad and empty but it brings a smile to my face knowing we will move to our new home with a fresh start!

I should rephrase, Alex and I were crabby but Addison was having the time of her life!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

No such thing as too much fun!

I feel like time literally escapes me sometimes, all I know is that at the end of the day I am exhausted and look forward to crawling into bed. School, wedding planning, work and now moving are all part of my week but Addison and I still find time for some fun! We had a playdate on Monday and on Wednesday we brought pizza and hugs to a friend who had just had a death in the family. Today we had a garage sale in an attempt to rid our house of all of the clutter that we have accumulated over the past 6 years (yikes). I think Alex had little faith in my garage sale abilities, he was surprised how much we did end up have little faith! Addison had a blast manning the sale and running the security operation in her walker :) Addison's little friend Brooklyn helped her out with security while her mommy and daddy were at work...she showed up in her shades ready to catch the morning cute! Addison borrowed them later for a quick photo-op...

Brooklyn=Too cool for school

Hi Mom! Taking a quick break from security detail to pose for a pic!

Katrina cracking up at Addison ringing the bell

Kaelam trying to feed Addison like a little baby, she thought it was hilarious

Trying to get a picture with all 3 looking in the general direction of the camera...this is the closest we got :) Addison and my two Godsons Kaelam and Tyner

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cranky Crankster

Addison is getting her first two bottom molars and boy is she crabby. I figured after the nonchalant entrance of her first 8 teeth that these would be no different but now I realize just how big these suckers are and can only imagine how much it must hurt her. She's had two doses of tylenol today and some homeopathic teething tablets. She is napping peacefully now but I will have to wake her soon so she will sleep tonight :( Poor snookie!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

So tired

I'm laying on the couch with my feet up, the news on and my two right hand men at my side...well right hand 4 legged friends Lenox and Romeo. It was one loooooong week. The first part of the week consisted of playdates and house cleaning and the end of the week we spent looking at homes for sale and the past 2 days Addison and I were at work. Glad it's over but onto another busy busy week! I'm too tired to devulge all of the details right now but I have pictures that summarize our past week...Enjoy!

Playdate at our house with Addison's friends!

Meeting with our realtor in his office before house hunting...Addison licked the entire glass window while we were talking

Addison in the living room of the house we made the offer on!

Day 2 of house hunting...still hangin on!

Ok I give up Mommy!

Addison at the splash pad today with her triplet friends

She wasn't was 5:30pm and she hadn't napped at all

Movie star!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Busy Bee

Today was busy and there was no nap or hope of one. We spent the morning babysitting Addison's friend Miss Brooklyn then when her daddy came to pick her up we headed to indoor playtime at the Tumbleweed Rec Center with our playgroup and then off to lunch with my dear friend Ashley and her sons Kaelam and Tyner. I thought Addison would conk out immediately when we got home but no she just played in her crib, singing to herself and kicking the wall. I was waiting waiting waiting hoping she would fall asleep because I was exhausted but then I heard a big BOOM, rushed in there and she had reached out of her crib and knocked over her floor lamp...nap time was over after that haha. I got her up and we cleaned the house top to bottom in preperation for our playgroup to come over for breakfast tomorrow...Addison was a great helper, she helped push the vaccum and dusted the floor with a sock. Funny girl :)

Finally has interest in her steering wheel on her stroller, she was honking at everyone on the way out of our playdate :)


Stealing her friends toys


Happy girl!


Having lunch with her friend kaelam at olive garden!

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Just another weekend with my homies

I worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday this past weekend, Addison was with me all 3 days and was a champ! She has decided that her triplet friends are way too much fun and she doesn't want to miss a second with them so she doesn't nap while we are there, which is kiiiiiiiind of a bummer but as long as she isn't crabby I can't complain. Feeding time is quite comical as we have 4 highchairs and 4 babies all demanding to be fed NOW. I took a picture of the 4 ring circus and I laugh every time I look at it!

And we usually watch 1 Elmo video a day and Garrett and Addison always have front row seats for viewing, this video is too cute!

This morning Addison was getting cranky but it wasn't time for her to go down yet so I wanted to take her our back and let her crawl around. I always feel bad though because her knees get all red and scraped up when she crawls on hard surfaces and then I remembered that long ago I had bought "baby legs." I would put them on her because I thought they were cute but they actually have a purpose now!

We must look like such hillbillies!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Who's that baby in the mirror!?

I have always been curious whether or not Addison realizes she is looking at herself when she looks in the mirror. I read in some parenting magazine that to test this, you should put something on their face or head without them knowing and if they look in the mirror and proceed to touch their own face or head where the object is, they make the connection. So I tried this with Addison using one of her big bows. If she knows a bow is on her head she will tear it right off (I swore that my little girl would never hate bows HA!) So anyways, we got everything set up and she was completely oblivious that it was her, she did think though that the baby in the mirror was pretty darn good lookin! She is such a ham!

How YOU doin pretty lady? Love the look on her face!

Hi! Hi! Hi! Pretty baby!

Trying to fit through a hanger? Real safe!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Addison at brekfast with her girlfriends rio and marabelle :)

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Watch out!

I was trying to get ready for the day and Addison was being a cranky little girl so I popped her into her walker, which we haven't used in like 3 weeks because she didn't seem to have interest any more, and Alex and I were talking about how she never learned to go forward in it which pretty much defeats the purpose. Anyways she must have known we were talking about her because all the sudden she starts walking forward in it and laughing. What a little stinker! We took her out to the living room to see if she would do it again and what do you know she was cruising around like it aint no thing haha! If anyone has seen Wall-E, she reminded us of the people cruising around in their hoverrounds, it was hilarious...Anyways, we videotaped it, of course, it was so cute :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Cheese and Blueberries..oh my!

Addison is in bed, has been since 5:40pm and that is WITH a 4 hour nap she took today from 9:45-1:45. She must be growing again because she has been eating me out of house and home and sleeping a ton. Her newest favorite food is Kraft American Singles...BARF, I must have eaten too many of them as a kid or something because I can barely stand the sight of them not to mention the smell. She can also wolf down a pint of blueberries in a matter of a couple days. It has led to some very blue poop but I'm not one to stand between her and food!
Just Addison and I at home tonight, Alex is at work but we got some WONDERFUL news...Alex was officially offered the supervisor position at PCSO and will be promoted in September! I am so proud of him and we plan to celebrate with something special on his days off this week :) Things are busy but good, we cannot complain!

I will leave you with some more pictures from Addison and my trip to Minnesota...

Walking with Papi

LOVE it!

Playing on the back porch

Lunch with Great-Grandma J...granted she isn't looking but the picture is cute otherwise!

Talking on her McDonalds walkie-talkie "Hi! Hi! Hi!"

Backyard at Papi's farm

Her new ride...PLEEEEEASE Daddy

With a 2 week old calf at the Washington County Fair...SO cute!

Boat ride with Mimi..LOVED it!

The closest I hope Addison will ever come to a hot dog, plastic...

Silly tounge tricks

Burger King Crown

First taste of pickle!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Minnesota Love

Time has gone by much too fast and I am just starting to get settled in here in MN, unfortunately we have to leave Friday :( I just talked to Alex and he swears Addison's hair has gotten longer and she looks older, he says she needs to stop growing until he sees her. I would love to extend our trip but its not fair to him...I do hope we will get back sometime this fall, before or after the wedding I dont know but I dont want to miss apple picking and the leaves changing color, it is my favorite time of year in Minnesota! Just thought I would update with some highlights from our trip, we have enjoyed every second of it :)

Speedboating, Addison loved it!

Yay for Mimi!

Loves aunti Maggie

With Great-Grandma Pelissero

All 3 siblings in the same place at the same time!

At the Washington county fair, lovin her balloon!

Obligatory fire truck picture

Playing in the muddy lake


Just us girls