Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We aren't ready for roadtrips!

Alex is working graveyard shifts for the next few weeks (hopefully it is only that long ugh!) But the good thing is we get him home during the day! We spent most of the day today in the car driving an hour to Litchfield Park and back. We met with our wedding coordinator at our wedding/reception site and are so excited about how things are coming along, it should be a very special day. Addison spent the whole time babbling over us, she has big plans for how she thinks the day should go...it was totally adorable!:D
After our meeting we stopped at "Friendship Park" in Avondale. We were hoping to be able to put Miss Addison in the baby swing for the first time but the genius who designed the park apparently didn't think to put a canopy over them, so the seats were about a million degrees and standing in the sun for anymore than 5 seconds is a big NO-NO in Arizona this time of year. There was however a sun canopy over the actual play area but seeing as Addison doesn't crawl let alone climb on the jungle gym it was a big fat bummer! We caught some cute pictures of her though which makes any trip worthwhile!!!

Addison and I...I think I'm a little overdressed for the park but I'm tired of feeling like I dress frumpy all of the time ;)

Beautiful girl...Wearing the right bib on the right day! That is a rarity!

Such a big girl!

Hi Ma!

Daddy's girl <3


  1. You looked pretty in your dress! Addison is such a happy baby!!

  2. I never think you look frumpy!!!! It looks like you had fun. Where are you getting married?

  3. Awww thanks guys :) We are having our wedding at an estate in Litchfield Park :)

  4. Yay! We're so excited for the 3 of you :) You're going to be a beautiful bride Miss Angela!!
