Thursday, May 14, 2009

Baby Signs

Today we had a preview class of "baby signs" at our mommy friend Taylor's house. Baby signs integrates American Sign Language with babies motor capabilities to create a line of communication through signs until vocal ability is acquired. I've signing with Addison at home since she was little using my years of "mad signing skills" from high school and college ;P She does not seem to care much yet and she spent most of the class playing with toys and babbling to herself. Either way, I think all of these classes are good for her development and are beneficial and fun for her and for me!

Big Class!

Playing with her toys, not paying attention to the teacher...

Under the parachute!

Rocking on her knees!

Parachute fun! Addison liked being under the parachute!


  1. Look at her big girl rocking! She's gonna be crawling around so soon now!

  2. You'll have to let me know how that goes. Very intriguing. I have friends that have done bilingual before speaking both spanish and english, but not this.

  3. Let me know if there are openings and you choose to do this class or if she has other classes... Super cute video!
