I laid Addison down for a nap about 20 minutes ago and she now insists on sleeping with her baby doll. That's in addition to baby sitting with her in her high chair, coming with on car rides, into stores and everywhere else we go. This particular dolly can also go in the bathtub but I wont let onto that until its my last card to play :) Anyways, Addison is still in there talking and playing with baby and sounds nowhere near ready to take a nap even though she is tired out! It just amazes me that 5 days ago she could have cared a less about her baby and then something clicked and now they are totally bff's!
Awww! That's so stinkin' cute! I still have my childhood dolly. It was a girl doll but I named "him" Andy after the kids from Family Ties...haha. Hopefully, Addison is more normal than I was! ;o)