Saturday, September 12, 2009


So I don't want to be one of "those" parents who over exaggerates something that could have been a milestone but after careful consideration I have decided that Addison did in fact take her first steps today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was standing by herself, which she does every chance she gets now, she began to wobble, caught her balance and then took 1,2 carefully calculated steps!!!! I know it is only a matter of time before she is buzzing around and it is SO cool! She was also trying out a new skill today where she goes from a sitting position to balancing on one knee with one leg in front of her and then pushes with all of her might and *almost* makes is completely into a standing position without holding onto anything! It's crazy that such a little person can have so much strength!! My moosey will be 1 year old in just 18 days and what a celebration it will be....we survived, she survived and everyone is healthy and happy :)