Ever since auntie Maggie came out to visit and us girls went to the pool, Addison and I have been going to the public pool once or twice a week. The weather has been funky and unpredictable otherwise we would probably be there every other day! The pool in our community is fun but Addison REALLY loves the zero depth public pools where she can go in and out as she pleases. I have such a great time with her. Mostly she lets me sit poolside and she runs along the beach entrance meeting little friends and splashing in the water. Lately though she has gotten braver and has ventured further out into the water. It only gets about 1 1/2 feet at the deepest point but I worry if she trips and tries to catch her fall that she will go under water and panic. She has wanted to explore the play structure a few times but only if I hold her hand and wade with her out there. I don't blame her either, there is water spraying from every which way and most of the bigger kids hang out on the play equipment. Next time we are going to bring Addison a bucket and some cups so that she has toys to play with in the water!
In other news, Addison officially turned 18 months yesterday. That is a huge deal in my mind. It just sounds so old! As of this month she is becoming very physical, i.e. climbing on everything, running, jumping and balancing in places that make my heart skip a beat! Thank goodness she hasn't attempted to climb out of her crib yet, I dont think I'm ready to put her in a big girl bed yet! Its amazing how much Addison knows and observes without us realizing it. This morning her hair was super messy so we decided to give her a bath. I got her all undressed and told her "ok we are going to take a bath Addison!" She went right out her bedroom door and ran down the hall with her little naked butt right into the bathroom and tried to climb in the tub. Even though she can't say everything she wants, she definitely knows what things are! I was thinking today about which words Addison says on a regular basis and the ones I can think of are:
-Whats that (comes out as "was at" but she says it when she wants to know what something is)
-Ewwww (when we change her diaper haha)
-Jezzie (our cats name)
-Thank You
Just in the past few days I have been teaching her how to say her name and she says it really well! But only when I ask her to and only if she feels like it...go figure!
Making friends with someone her own size
Running back to mommy in her Zoe swimsuit...so cute! Now I just need to find an Elmo one!
She wants to sun tan just like mommy...dont worry she has like five layers of 50 spf on!
Livin the good life!
She looks so big, like a little girl.
ReplyDeleteI agree. And she says so many words! Bubba's not saying nearly that many and Addison is only a couple weeks older.